Anyone who signs up in a D&D Dart League, that is a part of the NEW D&D REWARDS PROGRAM, will be eligible!!!!
Players will collect reward points called “Dart Bucks” that D&D will keep track of. The Dart Bucks will then be used as entries for drawings. Players can accumulate Dart Bucks by participating in a D&D League that is a part of the Rewards Program and Qualifier Tournaments
- Every D&D “SANCTIONED” League player, will earn 25 Dart Bucks per League Played in with at least 40 games played.
- There will be a Finals Tournament at the D&D End of the Year Party.
- The Format for the Qualifier Tournaments and the Final Tournament will be an “A/B” Luck of The Draw. The field of players will be grouped evenly into an “A” or “B” group according on their player rating on Partners Promoting Darts (PPD) website. Teams will consist of one “A” player and one “B” player. The Tournaments will be a race to 3 in the winner’s bracket and race to 2 in the loser’s bracket (subject to change based on number of players).
- There is a $20 Entry Fee for each Qualifier Tournament. The Final Tournament Entry Fee will be $20 (Free play).
- Every player who signs up for a Qualifier Tournament will get 10 Dart Bucks for just signing up, with the opportunity to earn more points depending on how they place.
(1st Place = 20 Dart Bucks, 2nd = 15 Dart Bucks, 3rd = 10 Dart Bucks)
- D&D will keep track of the amount of Dart Bucks earned from shooting in the Qualifier Tournaments (Including the 10 Dart Bucks for signing up and the Dart Bucks earned by placing in the top 5/6 teams of each Qualifier). The Top 10 Players who earn the most Dart Bucks from the Qualifier Tournaments will earn a FREE entry into the Final Tournament.
- The locations holding the Qualifier Tournaments will sponsor $200 to the Qualifier Tournament.
- To Qualify for the Final Tournament you must either compete in 3 Qualifier Tournaments or compete in 3 different D & D Sanctioned Leagues and have over 60 combined games between them.
- Players will use their “Dart Bucks” as entries that they can put into different drawings of their choice.
The Finals Tournament for the Qualifiers will be held at the party as well, with $1000 paid to 1st Place!!!!